Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is constitution

The constitution is a set of elementary principles or established precedents to govern a state.  It is a written or unwritten document constitute of rules and principles. It puts down the basic framework of a political system to govern. Constitution of a country lays down the basic structure of the political system under which its people are to be governed (Kashyap, 2011; 1). We can define it as a set of fundamental law of a country which ordains the fundamentals of its polity and on the altar of which all other laws and executive act of the state are to be tested. It is a living organism of functioning institutions (Kashyap, 2011; 2). The constitution establishes the main organs of the state-the legislature, executive and judiciary. It defines their power and responsibilities and regulates their relationships. The constitution of a country represents the ‑­vision and values of its founding fathers and is based on the social, political and economic ethos and faith and aspirations of the people. I